Dreams of Totality

X'ar'Delay, Lord of the Formless Void

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Reflections of entropy

A sear and blasted moonscape surrounds me. Stark shadows and bright contrast on shattered stone and powdered mineral. Steep walls of craters and vast expanses of basalt pitted by numerous impacts.

The left half of my body is swirling flame and fury. My left most fingertip so hot that even protons are stewed into quarks, muons and neutrinos. The right half of my body is wavering stone and rippling adamantine. My right hand so steely cold that even the heat of cosmic rays are lost to it, liquid hydrogen crystallizes on my fingertip there.

As I walk across the barren lunarane the foot prints I melt and crush into its varied surface are quickly filled to the brim with life and action. Just as quickly stolen by vacuum and hard radiation. In the ten thousand years since my siblings trapped me here I have found only a few places which persist. One such spot laced with filligrees of blue crystal that shift and change from century to century I still visit on occasion. The crystals sing in high pitched voices. Another spot near the remains of a comet impact so rich in water as to have real ice has become infested by a fascinating sort of worm-like thing.

A few places I have crafted over the millennia but I quickly tire of these diversions. It lacks the true spontaneity of life.

Oh how I have raged at times for my entrapment. Here in this desolate place, in this desperate form. The only one I have which could survive in such harshness. It has been so long I doubt even my brothers and sisters remember the reason, though somewhere in the back of my mind I still recall.

Slowly, my senses fill with a new sensation. One I have been awaiting. A slight tumbling of the odds, a tiny shift in gravitation influence. There in the distance, a light is moving. Reflected light polarized by a glassy surface. I begin to move in a new direction, taking a bearing every few months as the light grows brighter. It is coming and I will be beneath its arrival. My siblings planned on keeping me hear for ever but in their arrogance I knew that they would never have studied the vagaries and augeries which got me into such a tight spot in the first place. Astronomy, philosophy, morality, science. What are such trivia to we demons and angels?

I trace the parabola in my minds eye and move more quickly now. Slowly I draw my left hand inwards, casting fire light deep into my center. My right hand waivers and shifts, cooling the surrounding stone and dust until they begin to superconduct. I am especially lucky, the impact will occur on the moons dark side. My efforts increase, now that I am at ground zero. Electrons sizzle and swirl in the grip of ultracold alignment. A tightly coiled pillar of fire rises into the dark on dark sky licking now at the bottom of the rocky body which was planning on blasting a new crater here. I have other plans for it.